The future of fermentation in food & ag, by Komal Patel
permaculture farming -Komal organic ppt
Biotechnology of Microbial Enzymes - 2nd Edition
Rice Bran Fermented with Saccharomyces boulardii Generates Novel Metabolite Profiles with Bioactivity
Emissions Reductions in Ag Supply Chains: JBS case study
The future of fermentation in food & ag, by Komal Patel
Current perspective on production and applications of microbial cellulases: a review, Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Sustainability, Free Full-Text
Climate-related financial disclosures: an introduction
Rice Bran Fermented with Saccharomyces boulardii Generates Novel Metabolite Profiles with Bioactivity
The future of fermentation in food & ag, by Komal Patel
Food in future
Layout of cellulase enzyme fermentation (CEF), yeast cultivation (YC)
Is it me or the algorithms? Probably, both.
Amos Palfreyman on LinkedIn: A week of firsts in Singapore. First time at FHA and the first ever…
State-of-the-Art of Knowledge on Underutilized Millets: Kodo and Kutki, Grown in Tribal Areas by Transtellar Publications - Issuu